Sunday, January 16, 2011

A letter to my patients

Dear patients,

I know there's a small lump on your face,but that doesnt mean you cant work and need a MC.

I know it is very painful,please let me prepare the medication 1st.

I know you waited a long time,that doesnt give you the right to cut queue(esp when the patient before you are elderly)

I know your relative is sick,that doesnt mean you can scold our staff without any good reasons.

I know it is a very very tempting "sup tulang",please remember you have gouty arthritis.

I know you want to have a friday night fever,but dont bikin panas by fighting with other friday feverish people.

I know it is nice to get high on booze,but please dont DRINK and DRIVE!

I know you are Datuk/Datin,please remember other people is also not feeling well.

I know it is a lot of medication,please remember to take them/refill PRN!!!

I know hospital is the last place you wana be in,but please do come before it really got worse...

I know i may sound rude and harsh,in the end im just a human,who may just care too much or just too tired at certain times.

I know life can be full of suprises,so stay healthy and safe so we can enjoy every moment of our life...

Yours sincerely,
A human who in dire need of a break

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