Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Just a thought

Today when having supper with a friend , a thought came across my mind...

Since when i became so one of my friend who posted "warmth" recently ,i do agree with her in her views.

Sometimes we cant really expect too much from anything or anybody.For friends that i cherished i will give them my all.While for those who really get on my nerves i dont even want to ruin my day just by letting them appear in my visual field. One may think this is so extremely and may wonder how i would survive in the cruel and nasty world outside by not making 'friends"here and there.I beg to differ,when we have a choice,why not choose who means the most to you closer?Let them be a part of your life and share a laugh once in a while.

Compare to those who are really unspeakable....(beyond the capacity of words description),it is just a waste of time of even just talking to them.I am just not good of putting up a mask and be a part of masquerade like it is happening here in my living enviroment.

And living in this "prestigious" medical student life,i am still searching the" meaning of life" aside from realizing the reason for putting myself into medical school...

Just when i thought i figured out where i wanted to go,while in the middle of chasing it,it may be just a illusion....there's no real meaning or satisfying reason of actually having it...

I always ask myself not to worry to much,care too much, and just be myself....probably that is the best way of living in this enviroment ,yet on other part of my life,the answer is still unreachable.

In the end we are just humans who are searching for a place they call home,finding a reason to believe in,and maybe just need to fill in the puzzle piece that is missing for so long...


Chuan Huan said...

hope u find yourself, and be yourself :)
offer a smile to anyone is smth good not jz for the others, but will brighten ur life too!

鐵人 said...

Hi....hmn....u changed a lot huh...a lot of people is just like you, searching for something in life. is a normal process...
be yourself but at the same time, dont be too over, cause no man is an island:)
well, you are improving:)

TIboy said...

huh.. don't be unhapppy with those people you hate.. instead.. you should be grateful as their appearance allow a growing space for you.. you learn from them so that you can be better than them.. this will make you into a BETTER MAN...