Monday, December 28, 2009

Today i met the biggest bit** in the ward!

Yup,it's an angry post.Started off the work day noticing the nurses didnt take vital signs.When enquire the patients further,this is their reply:"mereka hanya ambil tekanan sahaja"----First shit of the day.

Then, came a great nurse who came in my cubicle and gave a sarcastic comment and rude remarks on me,who opened and inspected the wound of patient for superficial skin graft planned later evening.-----Second shit of the day

The sister who was busy chit-chatting with patient caught my attention,expressed my dissatisfaction to her.Which again a lot of cover up was done.Her shocking statement:"yeah,saya ada pantau,bila saya takada mereka berani buat.Ada nurse yang telah direject sent ke sini ba.Dan Dr kena faham kita understaff ba,malam-malam 1-2 orang sahaja yang kerja"wow,a great reason for not doing your job,understaff.-----Third shit of the day

Highlight of the day---Talked to Surg houseman to inform an ortho case which was done together with surg team,and for them to review and wether to off CBD(continuos bladder drainage---tube for passing urine,insert into urethra and reaching bladder) as patient haematuria(Patient had extensive ulcer which involed medial thigh and scrotum,afraid CBD was part of surg team management).That particular surg ho was uninterested and rude.I got frustrated and just walked off after the Ho said she will inform their MO to review later,with a "but"---with her rude tone she was saying:"im not sure when will my MO or specialist will come.Just a few seconds later i was hearing her shrill voice,with another man who seems like a MO,came up to me and the MO asked me:"why u were so rude to my HO""We as Dr must speak professionally""It's this how you refer cases?"----Fourth shit of the day.

Later of the day,suddenly one of the nurse inform me that one of the case for emergency wound washout was not posted,but the name on the list.Flipped back the case note,it was again that fellow Ortho Ho who never do work properly,never document properly,and never posted that case.In a frenzy i took the blood,traced it and called GA urgently ,but was rejected because too many pending emergency cases.-----Fifth shit of the day

Lessons learned today:
1)Never fully trust what you see(esp on chart boards),but trust your patient,most of the time they dont lie.

2)Be honest with yourself and others,making excuses for other people incompetencies is just sad.

3)Beware of a combination of pretty Surg Ho(esp tht particular one) and a GUY MO beside her.Because even when you are just doing your job and making sure other people are doing their part,shit will just get thrown to you.Maybe pretty female HO just really get the extra attention(used to have this conversation with Celery).

4)There are people who appear they are doing their work,but actually is the most LAZIEST person in the ward.Even though 4th poster,act like MO,but even a first poster works better.

One of the shittiest day ever,and tomorrow is going to be a long day(assissting Trauma operation theater)....better vent it all out now and get a good night sleep.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Xmast 2009

REAL ginger bread house...where to start where to start biting...

My waffle with all the flavours (favourite:dark cherry and manggo)

Deserts deserts....ohoho...

Extra pairs of hands behind...

Xmast= great +plenty of food,great choir,great wine,and great company

Xmast= time for celebration,time to get together and time to think about family and friends.
This is how i celebrate Xmast this year....:).HAPPY HOLIDAYS and merry Xmast!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No pain no gain?

Pain: Got bad haircut and bad comments for it(eg:hair eaten by rat?i cut my own hair???)
Gain: Know which shop to avoid in One Borneo,KK,Sabah

Pain: Waiting like ages for MO to do a skeletal traction on a 60 years old lady
Gain: Steinman pin if drilled with a handrill is actually less painful(must use tht next time if got chance)

Pain: Seeing a nail that was nearly cut off being sewn back to the finger
Gain: Avulse the nail,avulse it.........

Pain: Helping out with counter traction of hip dislocation,which obviously i was not cut out for
Gain: Know my limitation,swim more to built on that tiny muscles....-_-"

Pain: Sitting in a cinema with no air condition.
Gain: Watched an excellent,stunning,and brilliant movie (Avatar)which worth the pain of going through 2 and a half hours of stuffy air,urine smelled stairway and spooky parking lot.

Pain: Getting more and more broke with all the "extracuricular" activities
Gain: Getting to know friends better,enjoyed good meals,living my life at least...

Note to self:
1)Seriously,no pain no gain in life is so true.
2)Found some similarities between new friends and old friends,really missed my old friends,and grateful for new friends....

Monday, December 14, 2009

Im not crazy im just a litlle bit unwell...

Went to casualty today and skipped worked due to episodes of purging(from behind of course)...At first was thinking of going to work later,but thinking wanting to go toilet every hour and in search of a "proper" toilet,i would rather just take an EL.Perhaps yesterday i should have never went a weird haircut,ate things which i thought were delicious(but poisoinous),and now losing water out from my body....sooner or later will become dried vegetable...

Life lately is just colourless(pls dun think of colour of the purged..),bored bored bored....Japanese Anime made my days bearable and something to look forward to everyday.Somehow i lost the sense of purpose,and i am not sure why....definately not work related(because most part of ortho are just made complainable)...sigh...someone told me i should get a girlfriend...*cough cough*.I told them i would rather become a monk and knock on wooden fish for the rest of my life... least they are doing all right :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hypocrisy or hippocrates???

SP:Why?Why? why call me after working hours?

HO:Erm,sorry,i have a problem to consult dr

SP:What is it??

HO:Patient blood culture grew MRSA positive,and the culture was on 24/11,i already referred ID team.They suggested to start IV Vanco.

SP:What!Why u wana keep patient in the ward for 6 more weeks for antibiotic?He's on haemodialysis right?Dont do anything for him.Keep quiet!After MRI we can discharge him already.


The Ho was dumbfounded,confused and speechless,plus dissapointed.Is medical care has become fast food type of service where everything must be done fast,complicated cases is just a pure nuisance?Or those who suppose to teach us to become DR are teaching us to see things and do things their way?

Hmm...maybe a lowly Ho,who knows nothing should just keep silent,build a cocoon and just change the colour of the sky when the time comes...Sometimes i wonder,when all the accusation and complaint was made towards HOs,are the more seniors one looked into the mirror lately,or they just see what they want to see...i wonder....