That day after a meal of seafood,had vomitting plus diarrhea,though it was red tide(seafood induced).But later i think it was just a pure food poisoning....
reference taken from UMS website
Harmful algal blooms in Malaysia occur only in the South China Sea in the coastal waters of west Sabah, where the causative organism is the dinoflagellate, Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum.
Blooms occur periodically every year, when the dinoflagellate produces paralytic shellfish toxins (PSP) in shellfish, eventuating symptoms of paralyses and deaths in humans since 1976.
An increase in nutrients (mainly NO3-N and PO4-P) concentrations in the water which occurred after rainfall episodes were found to initiate blooms of Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum, however continuous rainfall did not sustain the blooms due to a decrease in the salinity of the water.
Monitoring of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSP) is carried out by the Fisheries Department Sabah and is based on shellfish samples collected in the infested area using the mouse-bioassay technique of toxin analyses. Often the detection of the toxin in the shellfish occurs long after the bloom of the dinoflagellate in the plankton. There have also been reports of PSP poisoning occurring even when cell densities of the dinoflagellate are low.