Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I simply loved rooming in...

I love rooming in....a place where plenty of discharges,less workload,less acute problems,more time for to think,plus a super nice MO is a bonus on top of that....Finally i dont have to have palpitation all day least let the myocardium to atrophy a bit....

Today it was the first time i went to forensic lecture,took a long long route,but in the end reach on time,my colleague sure think im super blur....after the lecture today,i accidentally went to town,and accidentally went into Centre Point,(ignoring the fact that some selfish person asked me to came out from there after i took the parking ticket)

Watched a movie filled with death,bought some nice anime dvds'(Bleach of course),bought my reading material of the month....ahh....meaningful day....yes,i must do this often.Mkae good use of the remaining days in Rooming in....

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